Indigenous Consultation

DEMA Land Services’ Indigenous Engagement and Consultation team specializes in facilitating effective, respectful consultation.  

Since the adoption of formal processes in 2006, DEMA has facilitated Indigenous consultation and engagement on behalf of the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada.  

Our experience spans all Treaty areas within Alberta, the Métis Nation of Alberta, Métis Settlements, and other Indigenous groups. Projects requiring consultation benefit directly from our experience and strong relationships with various communities, the Government of Alberta, and the Aboriginal Consultation Office (ACO). 

Our track record demonstrates success in obtaining consultation adequacy and thoroughly documenting the concerns of impacted Indigenous communities

Our Expertise

* Facilitation and execution of required consultation and engagement for significant infrastructure projects under Federal and Provincial guidelines. 

* Precise documentation and record keeping. 

* Facilitation and successful completion of Level 3 (highest level/most complex) Consultation with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) component.  

* Familiar with all Treaty areas within Alberta and have established well-developed, positive relationships with Indigenous groups. 

* Proven track record of obtaining consultation adequacy from the ACO.