Utilizing our experience to assist clients in their Specific Claim negotiations may include:
* Review and finalization of Terms of Reference for required expert compensation reports, with considerations to ensure tabled approach(es) capture the most advantageous or favourable use of the Claim Lands throughout the Claim Period based upon the most recent case law and other tabled methodologies.
* Review and provide written comments on submitted Appraisals, Loss of Use and other expert Reports at the preliminary, draft final and final stages to ensure compliance with the Terms of Reference, consistency between reports and utilization of the most appropriate available data for the Claim.
* Independent economic modelling, sensitivity analysis and present valuation of nominal foregone revenue to determine a reasonable range of compensation in advance of expert report completion.
* Historic research in support of analysis for current or identifying potential new claims, including from Library and Archives Canada (LAC), provincial archives and land titles systems, historic statistics including from Census of Population & Agriculture, newspapers, community history books and Elder interviews as well as our internal historic databases.
* Virtual or in-person attendance with client and/or Canada, where required.
* Site inspection, including via drone, with preference to be completed along with joint experts.
* GIS mapping support & air photo interpretation of historic and current land uses.